Removing Object Storage Dependencies

As of v2021.12.20-0, kURL clusters can be installed without add-ons having a peer dependency on object storage. There is also a migration path for clusters to remove object storage. This eliminates the need for either the Rook or MinIO add-ons.

New Installations

The following add-ons can now be installed with or without object storage:

  1. Registry: Without an object store in the installer spec, a persistent volume (PV) will be used for storage. So if the Rook or MinIO add-on is installed, the Registry will always be backed by that object store.
  2. Velero: Without object storage in the spec, no default BackupStorageLocation will be created. If the disableS3 flag is set to true for the KOTS add-on, a PV-backed storage location will be created as the default location using the Local-Volume-Provider plugin.
  3. KOTS: If the kotsadm.disableS3 flag is set to true in the installer, KOTS will be deployed without an object store. This will deploy KOTS as a StatefulSet using a persistent volume (PV) for storage. It will also disable the use of MinIO for hostpath and NFS snapshot storage destinations.

This installer spec is an example of deploying a new cluster without using any object storage.

kind: Installer
  name: no-object-storage
    version: 1.26.x
    version: 1.6.x
    version: 0.20.x
    version: 3.3.x
    isLocalPVEnabled: true
    localPVStorageClassName: local
    version: 2.8.x
    version: 1.9.x
    version: 1.93.x
    disableS3: true

Cluster Migrations

The migration path to remove object storage dependencies and components involves two steps.

Setting disableS3 to true in the KOTS Add-On

Object storage can be removed from some of the add-ons in the cluster by simply setting the kotsadm.disableS3 flag in the KOTS addon to true. See the documentation in the KOTS add-on for more information on the disableS3 flag.

When you re-install or upgrade using the updated installer spec (see the New Installations section for a sample), you should expect:

  1. Registry: The deployment will not change; the registry will continue to use object storage if object storage is still present in the installer spec. To use a PV instead, see Removing the Existing Provider. If object storage isn't present in the spec anymore, the disableS3 flag will trigger a migration from the object store into the PV.
  2. Velero: The default storage location will be updated to point to an attached persistent volume using the Local-Volume-Provider plugin. A migration will be triggered to copy from the object store into the attached PV.
  3. KOTS: The KOTS deployment will be scaled down, deleted, and re-deployed as a StatefulSet using a persistent volume (PV) for storage. The use of MinIO for hostpath and NFS snapshot storage destinations will also be disabled. A migration will be triggered to copy from the object store into the attached PV.

Removing the Existing Provider

To fully remove object storage from the cluster, the current provider must be removed from your installer spec. In the case of MinIO, it is a straightforward removal of the add-on. For clusters using the Rook add-on, another CSI such as OpenEBS is required for storage. Data can be migrated to OpenEBS automatically using existing CSI Migrations.

When you re-install or upgrade using the new updated spec (see the New Installations section for a sample), you should expect:

  1. Registry: A persistent volume (PV) will be added for storage. In order to trigger a migration from object storage into the attached PV, see Setting disableS3 to true in the KOTS Add-On.
  2. Velero: Removing object storage from the spec will remove the default Internal Storage destination. If you want a PV-backed default storage location instead of not default, see Setting disableS3 to true in the KOTS Add-On.
  3. KOTS: KOTS will not deploy successfully if object storage is removed from the installer, unless the disableS3 flag is set to true. For more information on that, see Setting disableS3 to true in the KOTS Add-On.