Be sure to open TCP port 6443 to allow traffic from your local machine.
While connected to the machine where you installed kURL, you can generate a kubeconfig to use from your local machine with:
curl -o
sudo bash generate-admin-user
This will use the load balancer or public address for the Kubernetes API server and generate a new user with full admin privileges, and save the configuration into a file $USER.conf
You can then copy to another machine (i.e. cat $USER.conf
) and use with:
kubectl --kubeconfig=$USER.conf <command>
Note this assumes the usernames on the local and remote machines are the same.
If not, replace $USER with the username on the remote machine.
You can add this config with your regular configuration with:
mv <user>.conf $HOME/.kube/$USER.conf
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/config:$HOME/.kube/$USER.conf"
Or merge them into your main config with:
cp $HOME/.kube/config $HOME/.kube/config.bak
KUBECONFIG=$USER.conf:$HOME/.kube/config.bak kubectl config view --merge --flatten > $HOME/.kube/config
You can choose the kurl context with:
kubectl --context kurl <command>
Or set it permanently with:
kubectl config use-context kurl