CIS Compliance

You can configure the kURL installer to be Center for Internet Security (CIS) compliant. Opt-in to this feature by setting the kurl.cisCompliance field to true in the kURL specification. For information about known limitations, see Known Limitations. For more information about CIS security compliance for Kubernetes, see the CIS benchmark information.

When you set cisCompliance is set to true, the following settings are changed from the default settings:

Primary node configuration:

The admin.conf file ownership is set to root:root.

API server configuration:

  • --kubelet-certificate-authority is set as appropriate.
  • The admission control plugin PodSecurityPolicy is enabled.
  • --insecure-port is set to 0.

Kubelet configuration:

--protect-kernel-defaults is set to true.

Example YAML

This YAML file example shows a valid specification for CIS compliance:

apiVersion: ""
kind: "Installer"
 name: "latest"
   version: "latest"
   version: "1.23.x"
   cisCompliance: true
   version: "0.20.x"
   version: "1.20.x"
   version: "0.53.x"
   version: "2.7.x"
   version: "1.4.x"
   version: "latest"
   version: "2020-01-25T02-50-51Z"
   version: "1.2.x"

Requirements and Known Limitations

  • The EKCO add-on v0.19.0 and later is required to use this feature.
  • This feature works with the Kubernetes (kubeadm) add-on only.
  • To meet CIS compliance, admin.conf permissions are changed from the default root:sudo 440 to root:root 400.
  • Kubelet no longer attempts to change kernel parameters at runtime. Using kernel parameters other than those expected by Kubernetes can block kubelet from initializing and causes the installation to fail.
  • This feature has been tested with kURL upgrades, however we strongly recommend testing this with your development environments prior to upgrading production.
  • The following failure was identified in kURL testing with kube-bench v0.6.8 and is believed to be due to the etcd user not being listed in /etc/passwd mounted from the host:

    [FAIL] 1.1.12 Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcd (Automated)
    • Note: This check only fails when kube-bench is deployed as a Kubernetes job running on a control plane node.
    • For more information about the etcd data directory ownership check failure issue, see this issue in GitHub.

AWS Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) Considerations

The kernel defaults of this Amazon Machine Image (AMI) are not set properly for CIS compliance. CIS compliance does not allow Kubernetes to change kernel settings itself. You must change the kernel defaults to the following settings before installing with kURL:

sudo sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1
sudo sysctl kernel.panic=10
sudo sysctl kernel.panic_on_oops=1

Failure to set these values will result in kubelet crashing. These settings must also be configured on AL2 instance nodes before upgrading them to a CIS compliant kURL specification.